- Artikel-Nr.: Dice086
icE #86 is here!!!!
The much anticipated ‘Church Of Choppers’ takeover issue.
This issue is unlike any other issue we've ever made. It's the first time in our 15 years of publishing, that we've handed over full creative control to someone else. That might not seem like a big deal to most people, but to us it's HUGE. Saying that, we never second guessed the decision as soon as we made it, or worried about how the end product would turn out. We knew it would be great, because we trust the person handling this issue implicitly.
Not only has Jeff Wright been a good friend of ours for over 10 years, but we highly respect his outlook on life and everything he's done for the motorcycle world. He builds some of the greatest motorcycles we've ever seen and they all have one thing in common, they are very unique and have a distinct style. We don't mean unique in an arty farty 'Art Bike' kind of way, we mean unique in a 'Fuck You' punk rock kind of way. Bikes that rattle cages and either leave people disgusted, or on their knees begging for more. Much like DicE I suppose...you either love it or hate it. It's definitely another reason that we get along with Jeff so well.
I'll end this by saying that the thing we admire most about Jeff is his genuine love of motorcycles...all motorcycles, because it's not a fashion or fad for Jeff, it's his whole life. In his eyes it's either a good looking motorcycle, or it isn't. It doesn't matter what brand it is or when it was made, it's just that simple. It's an outlook that's a breath of fresh air. Much like this issue here, so get ready, because we can proudly announce that it's...TIME FOR CHVRCH!!!